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Studio Govoni
Studio Govoni & CCC srl
Sala riunioni
Sala riunioni

Studio Dr. Alberto Govoni, based in Bologna in via Ugo Lenzi, 6 and in Casalecchio di Reno (BO) in via Tripoli, 3/3, founded in Bologna in 1984 by Dr. Alberto Govoni for the exercise of the profession of Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor, boasts thirty years of experience in the economic, business, corporate, financial, accounting, tax and fiscal fields, gained over time thanks to the strong connection and collaboration with small, medium and large business realities in the Bologna area.

Studio Govoni mainly deals with corporate and tax consultancy, tax assistance and auditing.


The company  Centro Contabile Casalecchio srl, located in Casalecchio di Reno (BO) in via Tripoli, 3/3, deals with accounting and administrative services, also carried out directly at the companies.


The preparation and experience of professionals and collaborators allows us to offer consultancy, solutions and services of different types and complexity to large companies, professionals, small entrepreneurs and individuals.

© A. Govoni
  • Studio Govoni
  • C.C.C. srl
  • Dr. Alberto Govoni's office: Via Ugo Lenzi, 6 - 40122 Bologna. VAT number: 03472650377

  • Casalecchio srl Accounting Center: Via Tripoli, 3/3 - 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO).
    VAT number: 00655591204. 
    CF e registration number: 03735150371. Register of companies of Bologna. REA number: BO - 312101. Share capital: 10,400 Euros. PEC:

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